[読書メモ][Kindle] “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
- 読書
- 2017/04/07 Fri 12:56
No person lasts forever, but books and ideas can endure. (Loc 445)
Many people do not think this way, at least consciously. (Loc 548)
Human nature is four dimensional—body, mind, heart, and spirit. (Loc 610)
How many on their deathbeds wished they’d spent more time at the office—or watching TV? The answer is, No one. (Loc 626)
These are deep problems, painful problems—problems that quick fix approaches can’t solve. (Loc 674)
if we wanted to change the situation, we first had to change ourselves. (Loc 698)
But before we can really understand these Seven Habits, we need to understand our own “paradigms” and how to make a “paradigm shift.” (Loc 792)
It is simply impossible to violate, ignore, or shortcut this development process. (Loc 1020)
The way we see the problem is the problem. (Loc 1092)
Reactive people are also affected by their social environment, by the “social weather.” When people treat them well, they feel well; when people don’t, they become defensive or protective. (Loc 1528)
If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control—myself. (Loc 1803)
I have found that attending church does not necessarily mean living the principles taught in those meetings. (Loc 2277)
As a principle-centered person, you see things differently. And because you see things differently, you think differently, you act differently. (Loc 2390)
One of the major problems that arises when people work to become more effective in life is that they don’t think broadly enough. (Loc 2533)
Again, the process is as important as the product. (Loc 2582)
Your planning tool should be your servant, never your master. (Loc 2964)
Your tool should also be portable, so that you can carry it with you most of the time. (Loc 2965)
Visualize the desired result. (Loc 3120)
Trust is the highest form of human motivation. (Loc 3206)
I’ve tried to adopt a philosophy as a parent never to make a promise I don’t keep. (Loc 3408)
One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is to be loyal to those who are not present. (Loc 3451)
Most people have been deeply scripted in the Win/Lose mentality since birth. (Loc 3646)
When you have No Deal as an option in your mind, you feel liberated because you have no need to manipulate people, to push your own agenda, to drive for what you want. You can be open. You can really try to understand the deeper issues underlying the positions. (Loc 3763)
But in many cases, it is possible to go into negotiation with a full Win/Win or No Deal attitude. (Loc 3806)
They want other people to be the way they want them to be. They often want to clone them, and they surround themselves with “yes” people—people who won’t challenge them, people who are weaker than they. (Loc 3867)
So often the problem is in the system, not in the people. If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow. (Loc 4096)
But we often fail to take the time to diagnose, to really, deeply understand the problem first. (Loc 4167)
Seek first to understand… then to be understood. (Loc 4523)
Seeking the third alternative is a major paradigm shift from the dichotomous, either/or mentality. (Loc 4833)
Is it logical that two people can disagree and that both can be right? It’s not logical: it’s psychological. (Loc 4900)
So when I become aware of the difference in our perceptions, I say, “Good! You see it differently! Help me see what you see.” (Loc 4907)
Change—real change—comes from the inside out. (Loc 5543)